Matrix 2.1 is the enhanced version of QB Matrix and was written in QuickBasic 4.5. If has a great list of features and is only $2 dollars by e-mail! Please read on ... Let's start with control. Matrix 2.1 can be played with a gamepad or mouse which can greatly improve scores and make higher levels much easier to conquer. Especially the gamepad because of the accurate control it provides. Also, having the mouse available makes option selection effortless. Matrix 2.1 allows game progress to be saved at any time. If things look like they have been going well save your current game. When things go bad start where you last saved. Up to five seperate games can be saved. One of the neatest features of Matrix 2.1 is the ability to record your games. By pressing the record button on the options screen your game will be recorded piece by piece, move by move. When the game is over you can play it back! Learn from your mistakes. Or just relax and enjoy watching your game without the pressure you get from playing it. Better yet, show your friends how you beat thier highscores. Besides playing reqular Tetris, Matrix 2.1 plays scenerios. These are preconstruted games where the object is to clear pit of the blocks with an 'S' in them using the least amount of pieces as possible. The top five scores for each scenerio are displayed at games end. There are about 12 scenerios included plus a scenerio editor so you can make your own. Matrix 2.1 has a host of other improvements. Different palettes can be loaded for colorfull effects, choose between piece styles, and so many other little enhancements that really add to the game. Extended levels for instance. Piece drop times between levels have been expanded so the game lasts a lot longer before it gets to difficult. A slide feature that lets you slide the piece a few seconds after it stops traveling before it 'locks' in. Great on higher levels. Bonus points are awarded for line clears. 100 for singles, 200 for doubles, 900 for triples and 2500 for quads. New graphics have been added too. For instance there are about half of dozen different ways the pit get cleared before displaying the games total bonuses and time played. There is also a special bonus screen if get past level 14. One other thing before before the ordering info. Matrix 2.1 has cheat codes. You can stop the pieces from dropping. Execute line clears to get you out of trouble. And add points to your score at a whim! Cheats can be protected with a password so nobody can access them but you! If you would like a copy of the Matrix 2.1 source code, documentation and the compiled program, print out the ODRFRM.TXT file enclosed it with a $2 check or money order along with your e-mail address to : Tim Truman 110 Homestead Ave Spfld MA 01151 If you would prefer postal delivery include another $2 dollars to cover the disk and postal expenses. If there are futher questions I can be reached at the following : AOL - Tim Truman Compuserve - 74734,2203 INTERNET -